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Extender for shipping cooled semen and instructions for use.

Shipped and stored frozen until use.  Time in shipping transit is optimally 1 day (recommended) with two-day transit the maximum allowed.


Pure Pup Extender

SKU: 0002
  • his extender is a life extending solution for cooled semen shipping.  Store frozen until use.  Four ml tube is shipped to you frozen and should be kept in a regular freezer once received.  Comes with instructions for use.  Brief instructions:  to use thaw the 4ml tube of extender and bring to room temperature and then add semen.  Put in a cool shipping kit/box to ship. Package so there is no   direct contact between extended semen tube and ice packs.  DO NOT FREEZE SEMEN as that will kill it.  Please see our Canine Express shipping kit with supplies for shipping extended semen.

    The extender will maintain the motility and viability of most semen collections for at least one week when properly maintained at a cooled temperature and mixed twice daily.  Generally, cooled semen is shipped overnight and used the next day, or within a couple of days.  The purchase of this extender DOES NOT INCLUDE A SHIPPING CONTAINER for shipping semen.

    This product is perishable and shipped frozen on dry ice and next day. The dry ice will slowly evaporate and will not maintain temperature for more than two days.  

  • Time in shipping transit is optimally 1 day (recommended) with two-day transit the maximum allowed.

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